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5 Exemplary ways to use Veterinol

  1. Disinfect your pet’s den and his most used toys with a spray twice a week. This will keep your pet and your home clean and prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. Just 2-3 squirts from a 20 cm distance are enough. After disinfecting, your pet can immediately lie down on the clean bedding and chew on the toy because Veterinol is non-toxic.
  2. Clean the paws after walking. This will prevent the transfer of dirt and bacteria from outside into your home. You will also prevent possible infections in case of micro-injuries that can occur on the paws during active walking. You can also disinfect your dog’s mouth if he licked what he shouldn’t have outside (we know what).
  3. Remove the smell. Five sprays of Veterinol over the surface of the cat’s litter box from a distance of 20 cm effectively eliminates the bacteria responsible for the odour. Spray your dog’s coat in case of an unpleasant smell, he will be relieved as Veterinol will treat his skin and remove the bacteria.
  4. Treat the environment in your exotic pet’s terrarium. A few squirts from 40 centimetres away will provide your pet with a cleaner environment, including air, sand, pebbles, wood and its whole place where he stays. You will give your pet a better and longer life.
  5. If you are a breeder: disinfect your breeding areas at least once a week, whether it is chicken coops or cages, Veterinol can be used in the presence of animals, as it is non-toxic and non-harmful to health. Your animals will live in a cleaner environment with less odour. This will prevent many diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and polluted environments.

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Produkty VETERINOL dezinfekcia:

Veterinol je malý zázrak: pomáha s liečením rán vaších miláčikov, ale aj odstraňuje zápach z ich pelechov. Je netoxický, nedráždivý, prirodzený pre imunitný systém zvierat. Odporúčaný profesionálmi. Vyskúšajte!


VYDRA, s.r.o.
Mierová 172
82105 Bratislava


email: info@veterinol.eu

tel: +421 905 254 124

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